Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm feeling a little unsettled today. And I think to myself.. wouldn't it be great if I could write exactly as I think when I think it? I mean, I have a really great train of thought but I start losing the thread as I try to put on paper (or screen).
So, I end up going random...
My daughter is leaving for Russia this weekend. Part of me is very excited for her and a little envious while another part of me wants to scream.... "Don't Go!". And then I tell myself that, seriously, the security in Russia is probably light years ahead of the US and she'll be as safe there as she is in Austin, Texas. It's just that... it's sooooo far away. Funny, how you never really want to do phone chats until you can't do it. I thank God for the internet. I know she'll only be a text message away, and with the webcam I will probably see her more than I do now.
I'm very proud of my daughter, if not a little jealous. She's intelligent, pretty and extremely talented in so many ways. She battles her own demons and struggles to maintain normalcy in her life, yet to look at her you'd never know the battles she's fought. She'll do great in Russia.
I get to keep the dog, lol! Cooper puppy... my grandson. I love him. Probably the biggest lap dog on the planet. He goal in life is to make you feel loved and protected and he plays well with others. His Uncles, Hawky and Tucker enjoy his company.. especially Tucker. It'll take me a couple days to get use to tripping over 3 dogs as I try to hurry and get ready for work in the mornings.. juggling who goes out, who goes up and who gets to follow me around hoping I'll drop part of the lunch I'm packing.
Life is so short. Enjoy every day to the fullest and thank God for the life you've been given to do it!